Cutting down on plastic use: Lightahome mission statement

Cutting down on plastic use: Lightahome mission statement

In recent months we have read & seen some disturbing stories on the current situation of plastic pollution. Plastic waste can be very difficult to recycle and once it enters the ecosystem, can be very damaging to the environment. Many companies have now realised the issue that we all face and have decided to take responsibility for the management of their plastic waste.
At Lightahome we have always tried to be as eco-friendly as we possibly can, but we realise as a company that we can do much more.  The main area of plastic used within our business is our packaging. Selling and shipping light fittings & ceiling fans across the country safely & unbroken can be a challenge and we realise that some form of packaging will always be needed. In recent times, we have used large rolls of plastic bubble wrap, due to its protective qualities, however in hindsight all this does is introduce more plastic in to the environment & potentially causing more plastic pollution.
As a company we have decided to take the following steps to tackle this issue.

Firstly we will endeavor to use only recycled packaging.

If we can reuse as much packaging as possible that we receive from our suppliers then we are firstly not throwing this supplier plastic waste away & secondly then introducing even more plastic waste in to the eco-system with our own new packaging (which our customers would ultimately throw away).

Recycled packaging from suppliers that can be recycled once received by our customers is a major part of our new packaging policy

Secondly we will endeavor to use a recyclable alternative packing first before using plastic.

There are many forms of packaging that we could recycle in our customer order packing but by far the most eco-friendly is shredded card. Shredded card packaging doesn’t tend to make a mess as it tends to be concertinaed, keeping together as a clump and can be placed in a customers recycled products box/bin which is collected by their local council. Shredded card is 100% recyclable.

Shredded card is a major part of our plastic waste policy and we will endeavor to use it wherever possible

Thirdly we will attempt to cut down on our overall packaging

Some of our products already come pre-packaged by our suppliers to a very high protective standard. In these instances we will endeavor to only wrap these products in recyclable cardboard instead of placing them in a box and added extra unnecessary packaging.
We realise that we have a responsibility as a retailer to the environment & over time we may further improve our recycling and plastic waste policy. You may find plastic wrapping or bubble wrap within your order from Lightahome but if this is the case, rest assured this will be recycled plastic packaging and not newly introduced in to the environment. We will always strive to use a packaging you can place in your recycling bin first.
We have assigned a member of staff to monitor our progress & will also research other areas in which we can be more eco-friendly within the workplace. If you would like any more advice or have any questions or suggestions then please contact us on our Facebook page, by Twitter (@lightahomeuk) or by email (


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