
Showing posts from March, 2018

Cutting down on plastic use: Lightahome mission statement

Cutting down on plastic use: Lightahome mission statement   In recent months we have read & seen some disturbing stories on the current situation of plastic pollution. Plastic waste can be very difficult to recycle and once it enters the ecosystem, can be very damaging to the environment. Many companies have now realised the issue that we all face and have decided to take responsibility for the management of their plastic waste.   At Lightahome we have always tried to be as eco-friendly as we possibly can, but we realise as a company that we can do much more.  The main area of plastic used within our business is our packaging. Selling and shipping light fittings & ceiling fans across the country safely & unbroken can be a challenge and we realise that some form of packaging will always be needed. In recent times, we have used large rolls of plastic bubble wrap, due to its protective qualities, however in hindsight all this does is introduce more...

Your homes lighting can help you feel warmer.

Your homes lighting can help you feel warmer. If you’re like me you’re currently at home with your heating on, wrapped in extra layers, trying to keep warm with all this snow & ice around. I’ve just about had enough of all this cold now and even the kids don’t want to go and play in it! Obviously, there are practical things that you can do to feel a bit warmer. Heating and fires on, extra clothes, stay inside, all common sense stuff really. There are a few little things you can do with your lighting as well to help you feel warmer. First thing to point out is that your lighting isn’t going to heat your home. Don’t think your light bulbs are going to throw out enough heat to make a difference. The introduction of LED technology has actually reduced the heat they give off. This isn’t a post about turning every possible light you have on. In fact, it’s almost the opposite (more on that later). No this is about the psychological effect your lighting can have on how you’re fe...